The Annual General Meeting of Norley WI was held during November.

President Helen Ebbitt accepted the unanimous vote of the members to remain in her post for another year. She confirmed that the new committee will be formed from the following members: Joan Birchall, Pat Rugg, Margaret Soutar, Sarah Brady, Jackie Oliver, Pat Sweetingham, Barbara Buckley and Claudia Wild. She thanked all leaving committee members for their dedication and hard work during their time on the committee, saying that everybody had put in so much time and effort to make Norley WI a success. Afterwards she presented Colette Holden and Diana West with the Competition Cup which they had jointly won.

Members were informed of following events for the coming year. Saturday, January 3, New Year Walk, meeting at the Village Hall at 9.45am for a circular walk around Budworth with a meal at the Cock at Budworth at around12.30pm. Thursday, May 21, a coach trip to Anglesey WI toll house and museum followed by a visit to National Trust Penryn castle. Saturday, September 19, a Centenary Celebration with Johnny Victory; venue to be decided.

The meeting was rounded off with a very enjoyable quiz.