Members of Winsford WI were entertained at their October meeting by an informative talk and slide show with unusual sound effects, entitled Ghosts.

They appear in Chester where witches were once bowled into the river in barrels; where lepers were buried and as a handmaiden appearing in a window looking for handsome men.

On Valentines Day, Thornton’s toffee shop is haunted by Sarah, who throws sweets all over the floor and in the music room at the Queen’s School a piano is heard playing at night.

Don’t sleep in room five at the Red Lion as a sword disappears off the wall at night, or walk on The Rows that a Roman Soldier haunts, or go to the old Fire Station that is haunted by a fireman if you are afraid of ghosts.

The President welcomed a new member and explained the problem they have with funding due to low membership, and the lack of volunteers for the committee. They have three choices for the future as discussed with Helen Carey: 1. continue for the next year as it is WI centenary year; 2. amalgamate with another small WI; 3. go into suspension, when meetings would cease with money and documents going to Headquarters. After much open discussion it was decided that options two and three would be put to the vote at the AGM in November, when 75 per cent have to agree on the decision.

The Christmas meal will be on December 8 and is to be arranged by Lisa Wallace and Sue Newton who were congratulated on holding a very successful coffee morning raising £140 for the Macmillan Nurses.