Darnhall and Wettenhall WI

President Jean Hitchen welcomed members and visitors to the October meeting of Darnhall and Wettenhall WI. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and a small amount of correspondence received was read.

The Darts Team have spent much time practising and although did not win, had competed in the Forest Group Darts Match.  An Institute Match is being arranged for later in October.

Final names were confirmed for the Hot Pot Supper. The annual Bingo evening will take place on November 11, this will have a Christmas theme, eyes down at 7.30pm, and admission 50p.

The speaker for the evening was Carol Owen who works with the National Trust at Little Moreton Hall near Congleton. Carol explained about the social structure of people in all walks of life during the time of Queen Elizabeth 1.

The colours and type of clothing won at all levels of society was much regimented. Queen Elizabeth had a special building in London where her wardrobe of garments was kept and this is now known as Wardrobe Street.

Gems and fancy work were attached to garments with special pins in order that they could be changed from time to time. Garments were held together and fastened with laces or cord in order that parts could be removed for summer and added for colder weather. Of course it was pointed out that garments and bodies were washed infrequently.

Little Moreton Hall will be decorated in the Elizabethan period for Christmas and members are hoping to go and see for themselves how the upper middle classed lived then.

The next meeting including the AGM will be held on November 4, and as this falls between Halloween and Bonfire Night, who knows what might happen.

Non members are welcome to join in any of the meetings. Further details can be obtained by phoning 01270 528367.