PRESIDENT Bernadette O’Donnell welcomed members and visitors to the September meeting.

The speaker was Keith Vigurs. He told members all about the varied work he and his wife had done with canal restoration all around the country, especially the work at Bugsworth Basin, Derbyshire, where they raised money and planted more than 400 trees. Keith told of ‘Teapot Row’ and explained what the Wharfinger’s House was. He was thanked by Sue Hall.

Members’ night in August was enjoyed by all who attended. Thanks were given to Brenda Smith and Crissy Watson for arranging it and to all others who had helped.

A thank you card was received from Jan Whalley for the beautiful flowers given to her for her 25th wedding anniversary.

Members were asked to complete a nomination form. The 2015 subscription is £36. The annual birthday party will be held at the Cock O Budworth on October 22.

Menus and correct monies are to be brought to the October meeting. Tickets are available for the group meeting at Winsford with Chris Knight, My Olympic Dream.

The competition results for a Canal Photograph 1. Margaret Jones; 2. Elsie Evans; 3. Bernadette O’Donnell.

Jan Whalley