PEOPLE with disabilities and the wider community are invited to drop in for a chat over a coffee at a new community cafe.

The cafe is being launched next month in Northwich, and will offer a range of activities including arts and crafts, dancercise and boccia.

The Activity Cafe is to run every week at Northwich and District Youth Centre, and is the brainchild of Michelle Turner, from Hartford.

Michelle set up Looking Forward Activities in January 2013 to provide age-appropriate activities for people aged 16 to 40 with learning difficulties.

She decided to start the not-for-profit cafe to extend what is on offer for this group and to provide an opportunity for them to meet up and make new friends.

The youth centre is opposite the Victoria Infirmary Northwich, and the Activity Cafe is to run every Wednesday from 1pm to 4pm, offering coffee, cake and activities.

It is due to be launched on Wednesday, July 1, and the cafe will be run by people with learning difficulties, including Michelle’s 23-year-old son Kurt, who has Down’s Syndrome.

“Kurt is really excited about the opening of the cafe, and is looking forward to chatting to everyone and welcoming people,” said Michelle.

The cafe is due to open the day before Kurt's 24th birthday.

“We are hoping people will come along on the opening day to see what it’s all about and has to offer," added Michelle.

“One of the reasons I decided to launch the cafe was the lack of opportunities for people with disabilities in the local area, and the cafe will be aimed at that group and their carers as well as the wider community.

“We are hoping the cafe will be a great place for people with disabilities and those without to drop in for a chat, a coffee and cake and to take part in an activity.

“It’s also aimed at helping to break down barriers, and on the opening day we will have a bit of everything in the way of activities to give people a taste of what we will be offering.

“The second week there will be dancercise, and forms will be available people can fill in to suggest what activities they would like to see.

“There will be a charge for what is available in the cafe and a small charge to take part in an activity, with any profits going into the youth centre.”

For more information visit or call Michelle on 075111 89331.