INSPECTORS are preparing to carry out spot checks on poor families to

see whether they are cheating the Government out of a new child care

allowance, it was revealed yesterday.

Fears that some families will claim the allowance -- without using

registered childminders or nurseries -- have prompted the move.

At the launch of measures to allow parents on family credit to receive

help worth up to #28 a week for child care, the Social Security

Secretary, Mr Peter Lilley, disclosed that claimants would be


A #2.2m TV and press advertising campaign has been launched to raise

awareness of the allowance, which comes into effect today and is

expected to benefit 150,000 families.

Only low-income families which use registered childminders or day

nurseries will qualify for help.

Charities have criticised the system saying it is too complex and that

working parents on the lowest incomes will not benefit at all.

Ministers admitted they had set no targets for the take-up. The

150,000 figure was ''very approximate''.